
The agency serves as a Pantries United distribution site.
From 1:30 PM - 4PM (for complete details see the Contact page), our food pantry covers everything in Clinton county south of 5th Avenue South in Clinton, is covered by our food pantry. Everything north of 5th Avenue South is covered by the Salvation Army pantry. We currently have 2 food pantries located in Clinton

Thanksgiving baskets usually include poultry, mashed potatoes, gravy mix, stuffing, canned vegetables, canned or fresh fruit, Jell-O, bread, powdered milk, and a dessert mix. The Associate Benevolent Society is the only Clinton agency that organizes Thanksgiving baskets.

Easter baskets contain a ham instead of poultry and includes the same food conained in the Thanksgiving basket. The Associate Benevolent Society is the only Clinton agency that distributes Easter baskets.

The Agency is an active member of The Holiday Network, Homeless Coalition, and Council of Social Agencies.

The Promise Program was established in 1987 in order to provide appropriate clothing at no cost to persons as they enter or re-enter the work force. Referrals are obtained from the Workforce Development and local agencies. Steel toed boots and specialized work clothes available upon verification of employment.

Utility vouchers are provided upon referral from local community agencies. Our funding application now gows through Information and Referral.

Baby formula, diapers, layettes, and general clothing items can be obtained from the agency.

Stuffed animals in good condition are donated to the Police Department to share with children who are involved in police call situtations. Donated blue jeans, which are not in wearable condition, are given to the Veterans Administration Hospital for use in making rugs. Donation receipts for taxes are available when dropping off donated items.